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Title: Chapter 19 Technological issues
Authors: SCHERRENBERG, Martijn 
BONNEUX, Cindel 
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Source: Abreu, Ana; Schmid, Jean-Paul; Piepoli, Massimo (Ed.). ESC Handbook of Cardiovascular Rehabilitation: a Practical Clinical Guide, Oxford University Press, p. 163 -170
Abstract: Technology has become increasingly important in cardiac rehabilitation (CR). New technologies, such as smartwatches, have changed the landscape of real-time monitoring of ambulatory patients. Implementation of new technology is always accompanied by issues of concern. Relevant examples are inter-operability and data protection. However, new technologies mainly offer new opportunities such as improvements in tele-rehabilitation (teleCR), persuasive design and big data analysis.
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ISBN: 9780198849308
DOI: 10.1093/med/9780198849308.003.0019
Datasets of the publication: 10.1093/med/9780198849308.001.0001
Category: B2
Type: Book Section
Validations: vabb 2022
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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