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Results 1-20 of 242 (Search time: 0.007 seconds).

Issue DateTitleContributor(s)TypeCat.
12024Pairwise fitting of piecewise mixed models for the joint modeling of multivariate longitudinal outcomes, in a randomized crossover trialMWANGI, Moses; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; Njagi, Edmund Njeru; Mwalili, Samuel; BRAEKERS, Roel; FLOREZ POVEDA, Alvaro; Gachau, Susan; Bukania, Zipporah N.; VERBEKE, GeertJournal ContributionA1
22024A joint penalized spline smoothing model for the number of positive and negative COVID-19 testsDe Witte , Dries; ALONSO ABAD, Ariel; NEYENS, Thomas; VERBEKE, Geert; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; Ortore, Maria GraziaJournal ContributionA1
32024Trends in cardiovascular disease incidence among 22 million people in the UK over 20 years: population based studyConrad, Nathalie; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VERBEKE, Geert; Zaccardi, Francesco; Lawson, Claire; Friday, Jocelyn M.; Su, Huimin; Jhund, Pardeep S.; Sattar, Naveed; Rahimi, Kazem; Cleland, John G.; Khunti, Kamlesh; Budts, Werner; McMurray, John J., VJournal ContributionA1
42024Gout and incidence of 12 cardiovascular diseases: a case-control study including 152 663 individuals with gout and 709 981 matched controlsFerguson, Lyn; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VERBEKE, Geert; Rahimi, Kazem; Rao, Shishir; Mcinnes, Iain B.; McMurray, John J., V; Sattar, Naveed; Conrad, NathalieJournal ContributionA1
52024A framework for analysing longitudinal data involving time-varying covariatesDrikvandi, Reza; VERBEKE, Geert; MOLENBERGHS, GeertJournal ContributionA1
62024An informationā€theoretic approach for the assessment of a continuous outcome as a surrogate for a binary true endpoint based on causal inference: Application to vaccine evaluationALONSO ABAD, Ariel; ONG, Fenny; Stijven, Florian; VAN DER ELST, Wim; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VAN KEILEGOM, Ingrid; VERBEKE, Geert; Callegaro, AndreaJournal ContributionA1
72024Evaluating the direct effect of vaccination and non-pharmaceutical interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic in EuropeFAJGENBLAT, Maxime; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VERBEECK, Johan; WILLEM, Lander; CREVECOEUR, Jonas; FAES, Christel; HENS, Niel; Deboosere, Patrick; VERBEKE, Geert; NEYENS, ThomasJournal ContributionA1
82024Assessing the Operational Characteristics of the Individual Causal Association as a Metric of Surrogacy in the Binary Continuous SettingONG, Fenny; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; Callegaro, Andrea; VAN DER ELST, Wim; Stijven, Florian; VERBEKE, Geert; VAN KEILEGOM, Ingrid; ALONSO ABAD, ArielJournal ContributionA1
92024A joint normal-ordinal (probit) model for ordinal and continuous longitudinal dataDelporte, Margaux; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; FIEUWS, Steffen; VERBEKE, GeertJournal ContributionA1
102023Do health beliefs about COVID-19 predict morbidity? A longitudinal studyDelporte, Margaux; De Witte , Dries; Demarest, Stefaan; VERBEKE, Geert; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; Hoorens, VeraJournal ContributionA1
112023A longitudinal perspective on perceived vulnerability to disease during the COVID-19 pandemic in BelgiumDelporte, Margaux; De Coninck, David; d'Haenens, Leen; LUYTS, Martial; VERBEKE, Geert; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; Matthijs, KoenJournal ContributionA1
122023Evaluation of a flexible piecewise linear mixed-effects model in the analysis of randomized cross-over trialsMWANGI, Moses; VERBEKE, Geert; Njagi, Edmund Njeru; Florez, Alvaro Jose; Mwalili, Samuel; IVANOVA, Anna; Bukania, Zipporah N.; MOLENBERGHS, GeertJournal ContributionA1
132023A combined overdispersed longitudinal model for nominal dataSercundes, Ricardo K.; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VERBEKE, Geert; Demetrio, Clarice G. B.; da Silva, Sila C.; Moral, Rafael A.Journal ContributionA1
142023Reflections on the concept of optimality of single decision point treatment regimesTran, Trung Dung; Abad, Ariel Alonso; VERBEKE, Geert; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; Van Mechelen, IvenJournal ContributionA2
152023Self-uniqueness beliefs and adherence to recommended precautions. A 5-wave longitudinal COVID-19 studyDe Witte , Dries; Delporte, Margaux; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VERBEKE, Geert; Demarest, Stefaan; Hoorens, VeraJournal ContributionA1
162023A joint normal-binary (probit) model for high-dimensional longitudinal dataDelporte, Margaux; FIEUWS, Steffen; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VERBEKE, Geert; De Coninck, David; Hoorens, VeraJournal ContributionA1
172023Do Optimism and Moralization Predict Vaccination? A Five-Wave Longitudinal StudyDelporte, Margaux; LUYTS, Martial; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; VERBEKE, Geert; Demarest, Stefaan; Hoorens, VeraJournal ContributionA1
182023A longitudinal transition imputation model for categorical data applied to a large registry datasetMamouris, Pavlos; NASSIRI, Vahid; VERBEKE, Geert; JANSSENS, Arne; Vaes, Bert; MOLENBERGHS, GeertJournal ContributionA1
192023Incidence, prevalence, and co-occurrence of autoimmune disorders over time and by age, sex, and socioeconomic status: a population-based cohort study of 22 million individuals in the UKConrad, Nathalie; Misra, Shivani; Verbakel, Jan Y.; VERBEKE, Geert; MOLENBERGHS, Geert; Taylor, Peter N.; Mason, Justin; Sattar, Naveed; McMurray, John J. V.; McInnes, Iain B.; Khunti, Kamlesh; Cambridge, GeraldineJournal ContributionA1
202023A linear mixed model to estimate COVID-19-induced excess mortalityVERBEECK, Johan; FAES, Christel; NEYENS, Thomas; HENS, Niel; VERBEKE, Geert; Deboosere, Patrick; MOLENBERGHS, GeertJournal ContributionA1