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Title: Super Tactility Soft Technology
Contributors/Performers: SWILLEN, Anneleen 
Issue Date: 2022
Abstract: We live in a phygital age, where physical materials and digital code are becoming increasingly intertwined. How do designers deal with this? The exhibition Super Tactility Soft Technology that Anneleen Swillen co-curated with Ariane Heystraeten at museum Texture, Kortrijk, brought together a selection of young designers from a variety of fields, including textile design, graphic design, jewellery design, ceramics, digital design, product design and architecture. They were part of ‘We Are The Next Generation’, the pick of the bunch from Belgian design schools in recent years. In their work, these designers marry digital technologies with traditional crafts, always with great sensitivity to the materials they work with, whether this is wool, leather or pixels. They either surf along at the pace and ‘all-at-onceness’ inherent in a global world or consciously opt to slow down and pay heed in response to a rushed society. In doing so, they open the gaze to a more sustainable and viable future. The exhibition was built around seven themes that form a common thread throughout the designers’ work. Striking prints, immersive fabrics, playful installations and quiet compositions come together to form a diverse whole. As such, this exhibition explored where the digital and physical dimensions merge within contemporary design practices, where boundaries between disciplines become fluid and where materials, in all their forms, show their individuality. Participating artists and designers: Andonni Tsolingkas, Kuyckxmeers (Anouck Kuyckx and Thomas Meers), Atelier U+E (Ulrike Pittomvils and Elise Vanden Broecke), Benjamin Mengistu Navet, Jade Houben, Joanna Reuse and Magalie Delbeke, Laura Leynen, Lies Fauconnier, Michaela Armani, Nele Demeulemeester, Sam Pladet, Thomas Renwart, Tom Delboo, Yanis Berrewaerts. Curation: Anneleen Swillen and Ariane Heystraeten Scenography: Lauren Dierickx (LDSRa) Graphic design: Bureau BoschBerg
Keywords: exhibition;digital age;phygital;textile;graphic design;jewellery;ceramics;digital design;product design;architecture;crafts;digital technology
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Discipline: multidisciplinair
Research Context: To co-curate an exhibition on tactility in the digital age granted the opportunity to delve deeper into contemporary art and design practices dealing with materiality, digital design process, touch, technology and crafts, among other topics that I research. Furthermore, since this exhibition took place at museum Texture with a focus on textiles, I got the chance to learn more about this discipline and domain. This was interesting for various reasons, among which the connection between historical developments in textiles and today's digital technologies. In fact, the basis of programming goes back to the loom. The Jacquard loom is regarded as the first programmable machine ever designed. It used a system based on punched cards similar to those used more than a century later in the first computers. It was the Jacquard loom that inspired the mathematics of Ada Lovelace, who, together with Charles Babbage, developed the concept of a computational machine called the Analytical Engine. Overall, I brought many insights from my research into this exhibition (as well as the panel discussion that I organised, see other entry) sharing them with a broad audience, and learned from not only the museum but also the participating artists and designers.
Impact Description: The exhibition was part of Wonder 2022, Kortrijk's Creativity Festival exploring the theme of the phygital, which plays a key role in my research.
Related Info: Museum Texture, Kortrijk
Category: AOR
Type: Artistic/designerly creation
Appears in Collections:Artistic/designerly creations

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