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Title: Behavioural Simulator Matsim Input Data
Data Creator - person: ADNAN, Muhammad 
Ahmed, Shiraz 
Data Creator - organization: Hasselt University
Data Curator - person: ADNAN, Muhammad 
Data Curator - organization: Hasselt University
Rights Holder - person: ADNAN, Muhammad 
Rights Holder - organization: Hasselt University
Publisher: Zenodo
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Behavioural simulator requires 4 input data files. Each file contains the following information: 1. Network.xml file contains road network information based on no of lanes, speed limits, vehicle access details derived from open street maps. 2. Plan.xml file contains synthetic population along with activity-travel information. These activity-travel patterns are output generated from activity-based models. 3. Schedules.xml file have information about public transport schedules with stops details, timetables etc drived from GTFS data 4. Vehicels.xml file is comprised of Public Transport Fleet information e.g no of buses.
Research Discipline: Social sciences > Sociology > Social stratification > Social differentiation, stratification and social mobility (05090602)
Keywords: Behavioural Simulator;Matsim input
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3604333
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Source: Zenodo. 10.5281/zenodo.3604333
License: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC-BY-4.0)
Access Rights: Open Access
Version: 1.0
Category: DS
Type: Dataset
Appears in Collections:Datasets

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