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Title: Work-a-Pose: Ergonomic Feedback and Posture Improvement Interfaces for Long-Term Sustainable Work
Authors: VAN DEURZEN, Bram 
Hendrikx, Maria
Issue Date: 2022
Source: International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces, Frascati, Rome, Italy, June 6-10, 2022
Abstract: Non-ergonomic postures and the resulting musculoskeletal disorders are key factors in worker disability and well-being. This underlines the importance of designing ergonomic work environments and educating workers in performing tasks ergonomically. We present Work-a-Pose to increase awareness of non-ergonomic postures and promote long-term sustainable work postures. To this end, we combine camera-based posture tracking with the automatic application of ergonomic guidelines. Glanceable visualizations highlight the worker’s posture and potential ergonomic risks. A complementary, personal tool provides a more detailed overview of the worker’s ergonomic score and motivates the worker to strive for a healthy work posture through simple gamification techniques.
Keywords: ergonomic feedback;glanceable visualizations;gamification;sustainable work
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Category: C2
Type: Conference Material
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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