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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34278
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeCat.
2025The multi-omics signatures of telomere length in childhoodWANG, Congrong ; MARTENS, Dries ; Bustamante, M; ALFANO, Rossella ; PLUSQUIN, Michelle ; Maitre, L; Wright, J; Mceachan, RRC; Lepeule, J; Slama, R; Vafeiadi, M; Chatzi, L; Grazuleviciene, R; Gutzkow, KB; Keun, H; Borràs, E; Sabidó, E; Carracedo, A; Escarami, G; Anguita-Ruiz, A; Pelegrí-Sisó, D; Gonzalez, JR; Vrijheid, M; NAWROT, Tim Journal ContributionA1
2025Risky riding behaviour among young, motorized two-wheeler riders in India: A quantitative analysis of the psychosocial determinantsSUMIT, Kumar ; RUITER, Rob ; ROSS, Veerle ; WETS, Geert ; BRIJS, Kris Journal ContributionA1
2024Can biopolymers heal a broken heart? An Injectable, Hyaluronic Acid and Elastin-Like Protein hydrogel for cardiac stem cell therapyGEYSMANS, Niels ; Cuypers, Lisa; BITO, Virginie ; GRAULUS, Geert-Jan Conference MaterialC2
2024Heparin-binding domains in elastin-like proteins for improved tissue integrationGEYSMANS, Niels ; DRIESEN, Sander ; GUEDENS, Wanda ; ADRIAENSENS, Peter ; GRAULUS, Geert-Jan Conference MaterialC2
2024Silicon Carbon composites through polymer pyrolysisDE MEYER, Pieter ; BONNEUX, Gilles ; MOEREMANS, Boaz ; HARDY, An ; VAN BAEL, Marlies Conference MaterialC2
2025A tutorial on kriging-based stochastic simulation optimizationAMINI, Sasan ; VAN NIEUWENHUYSE, Inneke Conference MaterialC2
2024Quantifying Order Picking Deviations: A Real-Life Data ApproachLEROY, Aicha ; CARIS, An ; DEPAIRE, Benoit ; VAN GILS, Teun ; BRAEKERS, Kris Conference MaterialC2
2024Quantifying deviations in an order picking process through data-driven analysisLEROY, Aicha ; BRAEKERS, Kris ; CARIS, An ; DEPAIRE, Benoit ; VAN GILS, Teun Conference MaterialC2
2024Quantifying deviations in an order picking process through data-driven analysisLEROY, Aicha ; CARIS, An ; DEPAIRE, Benoit ; VAN GILS, Teun ; BRAEKERS, Kris Conference MaterialC2
2024Mass Collection of Workers’ Data in Warehouse Facilities: Reflections on Privacy and Workforce Well-beingDE LOMBAERT, Thomas ; Rijal, Arpan; Costrasal, Robert; Molè, MicheleJournal ContributionA1
2024Invloed van autonomie op welzijn en prestaties in magazijnenDE LOMBAERT, Thomas ; BRAEKERS, Kris ; De Koster, René; RAMAEKERS, Katrien Conference MaterialC2
2024Involving order pickers in operational decisions - must do or no go?DE LOMBAERT, Thomas ; BRAEKERS, Kris ; De Koster, René; RAMAEKERS, Katrien Conference MaterialC2
2024Revisiting the construct of data-driven decision making: antecedents, scope, and boundariesBERKHOUT, Constant ; Bhattacharya, Abhi; Bauer, Carlos; Johnson, Ross W.Journal ContributionA2
2025From the 100 Day Mission to 100 lines of software development: how to improve early outbreak analyticsCuartero, Carmen Tamayo; CARNEGIE, Anna ; Cucunuba, Zulma M; Cori, Anne; Hollis, Sara M; Van Gaalen, Rolina D; Baidjoe, Amrish Y; Spina, Alexander F; Lees, John A; Cauchemez, Simon; Santos, Mauricio; Umaña, Juan D; Chen, Chaoran; Gruson, Hugo; Gupte, Pratik; Tsui, Joseph; Shah, Anita A; Millan, Geraldine Gomez; Quevedo, David Santiago; Batra, Neale; TORNERI, Andrea ; Kucharski, Adam JJournal ContributionA1
2025Assessment methods for bicycle environment safety and comfort: A scoping reviewAHMED, Tufail ; PIRDAVANI, Ali ; Sitohang, Irene Febryana; WETS, Geert ; JANSSENS, Davy Journal ContributionA1
2025Regional differences in survival after ICD implantationIngelaere, S; HOFFMANN, Ruben ; de Waroux, JBL; Blankoff, I; Mairesse, GH; VIJGEN, Johan ; Vandekerckhove, Y; Vandenberk, B; Willems, RikJournal ContributionA1
2024Politiek-ambtelijke verhoudingen op het Vlaamse lokale niveau: it takes two to tangoHENNAU, Sofie ; ACKAERT, Johan Journal ContributionA1
2024Evaluatie van de wet van 17 maart 2013 tot hervorming van de regelingen inzake onbekwaamheid en tot instelling van een nieuwe beschermingsstatus die strookt met de menselijke waardigheidWUYTS, Tim ; Dandoy, Nathalie; Swennen, Frederik; HENNAU, Sofie ; Hacon, Mathilde; JEURISSEN, Lennert Research ReportR2
2024City Deal e-Inclusion by Design Een analyse van human centered design experimenten in lokale dienstverleningVan Leeuwen, Cora; Anrijs, Sarah; Verhaert, Paola; HENNAU, Sofie Research ReportR2
2024De olifanten in de kamer van de lokale politiekACKAERT, Johan ; HENNAU, Sofie Journal ContributionO
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 1 to 20 of 34278