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dc.contributor.authorFletcher, George H. L.-
dc.contributor.authorGYSSENS, Marc-
dc.contributor.authorLEINDERS, Dirk-
dc.contributor.authorVAN DEN BUSSCHE, Jan-
dc.contributor.authorVan Gucht, Dirk-
dc.contributor.authorVANSUMMEREN, Stijn-
dc.contributor.authorWu, Yuqing-
dc.identifier.citationMilo, Tova (Ed.). Database Theory - ICDT 2011, 14th International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, March 21-24, 2011, Proceedings, ACM Press,p. 197-207-
dc.description.abstractMotivated by both established and new applications, we study navigational query languages for graphs (binary relations). The simplest language has only the two operators union and composition, together with the identity relation. We make more powerful languages by adding any of the following operators: intersection; set di erence; projection; coprojection; converse; transitive closure; and the diversity relation. All these operators map binary relations to binary relations. We compare the expressive power of all resulting languages. We do this not only for general path queries (queries where the result may be any binary relation) but also for boolean or yes/no queries (expressed by the nonemptiness of an expression). For both cases, we present the complete Hasse diagram of relative expressiveness. In particular, the Hasse diagram for boolean queries contains nontrivial separations and a few surprising collapses.-
dc.description.sponsorshipFund for Scientific Research FWO - Flanders-
dc.publisherACM Press-
dc.rightsCopyright 2011 ACM-
dc.subject.otherXPath; graphs; relation algebra; indistinguishability; expressive power; finite variable logic-
dc.titleRelative expressive power of navigational querying on graphs-
dc.typeProceedings Paper-
local.bibliographicCitation.authorsMilo, Tova-
local.bibliographicCitation.conferencedate21-24 March 2011-
local.bibliographicCitation.conferencename14th International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT 2011)-
local.bibliographicCitation.conferenceplaceUppsala, Sweden-
local.publisher.placeNew York-
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local.type.specifiedProceedings Paper-
local.bibliographicCitation.btitleDatabase Theory - ICDT 2011, 14th International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, March 21-24, 2011, Proceedings-
item.fullcitationFletcher, George H. L.; GYSSENS, Marc; LEINDERS, Dirk; VAN DEN BUSSCHE, Jan; Van Gucht, Dirk; VANSUMMEREN, Stijn & Wu, Yuqing (2011) Relative expressive power of navigational querying on graphs. In: Milo, Tova (Ed.). Database Theory - ICDT 2011, 14th International Conference, Uppsala, Sweden, March 21-24, 2011, Proceedings, ACM Press,p. 197-207.-
item.contributorFletcher, George H. L.-
item.contributorGYSSENS, Marc-
item.contributorLEINDERS, Dirk-
item.contributorVAN DEN BUSSCHE, Jan-
item.contributorVan Gucht, Dirk-
item.contributorVANSUMMEREN, Stijn-
item.contributorWu, Yuqing-
item.accessRightsRestricted Access-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
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