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Title: Importance of crown architecture for leaf area index of different Populus genotypes in a high-density plantation
Authors: Broeckx, L. S.
Verlinden, M. S.
Ceulemans, R.
Issue Date: 2012
Source: TREE PHYSIOLOGY, 32 (10), p. 1214-1226
Abstract: Crown architecture is an important determinant of biomass production and yield of any bio-energy plantation since it determines leaf area display and hence light interception. Four Populus genotypes - of different species and hybrids and with contrasting productivity and leaf area - were examined in terms of their branch characteristics in relation to crown architecture during the first and second growing seasons after plantation establishment. The trees were planted at high density (8000 ha−1) on two different former land use types, cropland and pasture. We documented significant differences in branch architecture among the genotypes and for the first year among the former land use types. Land use effects only affected factors not related to canopy closure and wood production, and decreased after the first growing season. This suggested that both former land use types were equally suited for the establishment success of a poplar bio-energy plantation. Tree height and branch dimensions - branch diameter and branch length - were the most important determinants of wood production and maximum leaf area index. Despite the secondary importance of the number of sylleptic branches, these branches contributed significantly to the total leaf area in three out of the four studied genotypes. Thisindicated that enhanced syllepsis accelerates leaf area development and hence carbon assimilation, especially in the early stages of a high-density plantation with poplar.
Notes: [Broeckx, L. S.; Verlinden, M. S.; Ceulemans, R.] Univ Antwerp, Dept Biol, Res Grp Plant & Vegetat Ecol, B-2610 Antwerp, Belgium. [Vangronsveld, J.] Univ Hasselt, Res Grp Environm Biol, Dept Biol & Geol, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium.
Keywords: branching pattern; genotypic variation; syllepsis; volume index;Forestry; branching pattern; genotypic variation; syllepsis; volume index
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ISSN: 0829-318X
e-ISSN: 1758-4469
DOI: 10.1093/treephys/tps083
ISI #: 000310163900004
Category: A1
Type: Journal Contribution
Validations: ecoom 2013
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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