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dc.contributor.authorWIJNANTS, Maarten-
dc.contributor.authorLAMOTTE, Wim-
dc.contributor.authorLetor, Nicolas-
dc.contributor.authorBlondia, Chris-
dc.contributor.authorDe Poorter, Eli-
dc.contributor.authorNaudts, Dries-
dc.contributor.authorVerstichel, Stijn-
dc.contributor.authorLannoo, Bart-
dc.contributor.authorMoerman, Ingrid-
dc.contributor.authorMatthys, Nelson-
dc.contributor.authorHuygens, Christophe-
dc.identifier.citationProceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, p. 410-417-
dc.description.abstractComputer-enhanced smart environments, distributed environmental monitoring, wireless communication, energy conservation and sustainable technologies, ubiquitous access to Internet-located data and services, user mobility and innovation as a tool for service differentiation are all significant contemporary research subjects and societal developments. This position paper presents the design of a hybrid municipal network infrastructure that, to a lesser or greater degree, incorporates aspects from each of these topics by integrating a community-based Wi-Fi access network with Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) functionality. The former component provides free wireless Internet connectivity by harvesting the Internet subscriptions of city inhabitants. To minimize session interruptions for mobile clients, this subsystem incorporates technology that achieves (near-)seamless handover between Wi-Fi access points. The WSN component on the other hand renders it feasible to sense physical properties and to realize the Internet of Things (IoT) paradigm. This in turn scaffolds the development of value-added end-user applications that are consumable through the community-powered access network. The WSN subsystem invests substantially in ecological considerations by means of a green distributed reasoning framework and sensor middleware that collaboratively aim to minimize the network's global energy consumption. Via the discussion of two illustrative applications that are currently being developed as part of a concrete smart city deployment, we offer a taste of the myriad of innovative digital services in an extensive spectrum of application domains that is unlocked by the proposed platform.-
dc.description.sponsorshipPart of this research was performed in the context of the IBBT project GreenWeCan. This project is co-funded by the IBBT (Interdisciplinary institute for Broadband Technology), a research institute founded by the Flemish Government. Companies and organizations involved in the project are ANDROME, Bausch Datacom, Be-Mobile, OneAccess and Stad Gent, with project support of IWT.-
dc.subject.otherUrban computing; smart spaces; sensor; wireless sensor network; community-based Internet access; seamless Wi-Fi connectivity; energy efficiency; digital service innovation-
dc.titleAn Eco-friendly Hybrid Urban Computing Network Combining Community-based Wireless LAN Access and Wireless Sensor Networking-
dc.typeProceedings Paper-
local.bibliographicCitation.conferencedateNovember 20-23, 2012-
local.bibliographicCitation.conferencenameIEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications-
local.bibliographicCitation.conferenceplaceBesançon, France-
dc.description.notesAddresses: Hasselt Univ, tUL, IBBT, Expertise Ctr Digital Media, B-3590 Diepenbeek, Belgium E-mail Addresses:;;;;;;;;;;
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local.type.specifiedProceedings Paper-
local.bibliographicCitation.btitleProceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications-
item.accessRightsOpen Access-
item.contributorWIJNANTS, Maarten-
item.contributorLAMOTTE, Wim-
item.contributorLetor, Nicolas-
item.contributorBlondia, Chris-
item.contributorDe Poorter, Eli-
item.contributorNaudts, Dries-
item.contributorVerstichel, Stijn-
item.contributorLannoo, Bart-
item.contributorMoerman, Ingrid-
item.contributorMatthys, Nelson-
item.contributorHuygens, Christophe-
item.fullcitationWIJNANTS, Maarten; LAMOTTE, Wim; Letor, Nicolas; Blondia, Chris; De Poorter, Eli; Naudts, Dries; Verstichel, Stijn; Lannoo, Bart; Moerman, Ingrid; Matthys, Nelson & Huygens, Christophe (2012) An Eco-friendly Hybrid Urban Computing Network Combining Community-based Wireless LAN Access and Wireless Sensor Networking. In: Proceedings of the 2012 IEEE International Conference on Green Computing and Communications, p. 410-417.-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.validationecoom 2014-
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