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dc.contributor.authorCASTRO SANCHEZ, Amparo-
dc.contributor.authorAERTS, Marc-
dc.contributor.authorSHKEDY, Ziv-
dc.contributor.authorVickerman, Peter-
dc.contributor.authorFaggiano, Fabrizio-
dc.contributor.authorSalamina, Giuseppe-
dc.contributor.authorHENS, Niel-
dc.identifier.citationEpidemics, 5 (1), p. 56-66-
dc.description.abstractThe hepatitis C virus (HCV) and the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) are a clear threat for public health, with high prevalences especially in high risk groups such as injecting drug users. People with HIV infection who are also infected by HCV suffer from a more rapid progression to HCV-related liver disease and have an increased risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer. Quantifying the impact of HIV and HCV co-infection is therefore of great importance. We propose a new joint mathematical model accounting for co-infection with the two viruses in the context of injecting drug users (IDUs). Statistical concepts and methods are used to assess the model from a statistical perspective, in order to get further insights in: (i) the comparison and selection of optional model components, (ii) the unknown values of the numerous model parameters, (iii) the parameters to which the model is most ‘sensitive’ and (iv) the combinations or patterns of values in the high-dimensional parameter space which are most supported by the data. Data from a longitudinal study of heroin users in Italy are used to illustrate the application of the proposed joint model and its statistical assessment. The parameters associated with contact rates (sharing syringes) and the transmission rates per syringe-sharing event are shown to play a major role.-
dc.description.sponsorshipThe work of AYCS was partially supported by a grant from Research Fund of Hasselt University (BOF08DOC17). NH acknowledges support from the University of Antwerp scientific chair in Evidence-Based Vaccinology, financed in 2009–2012 by a gift from Pfizer. The work of AYCS, MA, ZS, and NH was supported by the IAP research network no. P6/03 of the Belgian Government (Belgian Science Policy).-
dc.subject.otherJoint deterministic model; HCV/HIV; Inject drug users; Model uncertainty; Maximum likelihood-
dc.titleA mathematical model for HIV and hepatitis C co-infection and its assessment from a statistical-
dc.typeJournal Contribution-
dc.description.notesHighlights: We propose a model for HIV and HCV co-infection for injecting drug users. We present statistical concepts and methods to assess the mathematical model. The model considers biological complexities in the transmission of HCV and HIV. The methods are applied to data from a longitudinal study of heroin users in Italy. Sharing syringes rates and transmission probabilities rates play a major role.-
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item.contributorCASTRO SANCHEZ, Amparo-
item.contributorAERTS, Marc-
item.contributorSHKEDY, Ziv-
item.contributorVickerman, Peter-
item.contributorFaggiano, Fabrizio-
item.contributorSalamina, Giuseppe-
item.contributorHENS, Niel-
item.validationecoom 2014-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.accessRightsRestricted Access-
item.fullcitationCASTRO SANCHEZ, Amparo; AERTS, Marc; SHKEDY, Ziv; Vickerman, Peter; Faggiano, Fabrizio; Salamina, Giuseppe & HENS, Niel (2013) A mathematical model for HIV and hepatitis C co-infection and its assessment from a statistical. In: Epidemics, 5 (1), p. 56-66.-
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