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dc.contributor.advisorAMELOOT, Marcel-
dc.contributor.advisorLAMBRICHTS, Ivo-
dc.contributor.authorSANEN, Kathleen-
dc.description.abstractThe human body is amazing. It is continuously processing information from the environment, balancing energy levels, fighting infections, and so much more. From the smallest molecule to interacting systems, each part contributes to overall functioning and harmony. Even though the body possesses an impressive capacity to heal itself, there are limitations. In order to overcome these restrictions, experts from different disciplines have been operating hand in hand to rebuild tissues and organs. What was considered science fiction a few decades ago is becoming reality today. From artificial skin to blood vessels and cartilage, the field of tissue engineering is rapidly evolving from bench to bedside. In this dissertation, a novel cell-based tissue engineering approach to facilitate peripheral nerve regeneration is discussed. The theoretical background of peripheral nerve injury and the choice for human dental pulp stem cells (hDPSCs) and collagen type I hydrogels as a basis for artificial nerve conduits is reviewed and justified in the general introduction. The following four chapters elaborate on specific aspects of the development and implementation of this engineered neural tissue, from the molecular to the tissue level with both standard and advanced label-free microscopy techniques. Finally, in the general discussion all the findings are combined and put in perspective to answer the proposed research questions.-
dc.subject.otherhuman dental pulp stem cells; Schwann cells; collagen; hydrogel; aligned; peripheral nerve; injury; regeneration; second harmonic generation; label-free-
dc.titleGlial differentiated human dental pulp stem cells in engineered neural tissue constructs: an in vitro and in vivo approach-
dc.typeTheses and Dissertations-
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local.type.specifiedPhd thesis-
item.contributorSANEN, Kathleen-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.accessRightsOpen Access-
item.fullcitationSANEN, Kathleen (2016) Glial differentiated human dental pulp stem cells in engineered neural tissue constructs: an in vitro and in vivo approach.-
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