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Title: Two-Group Comparative Experiments
Authors: Amaratunga, Dhammika
Cabrera, Javier
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: Blackwell Science Publishing
Source: Amaratunga, Dhammika; Cabrera, Javier; Shkedy, Ziv (Ed.). Exploration and Analysis of DNA Microarray and Other High-Dimensional Data, p. 109-165
Notes: [Amaratunga, Dhammika] Johnson & Johnson, Janssen Pharmaceut Co, New Brunswick, NJ 08901 USA. [Cabrera, Javier] Rutgers State Univ, Piscataway, NJ 08855 USA. [Shkedy, Ziv] Hasselt Univ, Hasselt, Belgium.
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ISBN: 9781118356333
ISI #: 000362173700007
Category: B2
Type: Book Section
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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