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dc.contributor.authorDE BRANDT, Jana-
dc.contributor.authorSPRUIT, Martijn A.-
dc.contributor.authorHANSEN, Dominique-
dc.contributor.authorFranssen, Frits-
dc.contributor.authorDerave, Wim-
dc.contributor.authorSillen, Maurice-
dc.contributor.authorBURTIN, Chris-
dc.identifier.citationChronic Respiratory Disease, 15(2), p. 182-219-
dc.description.abstractChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) patients often experience lower limb muscle dysfunction and wasting. Exercise-based training has potential to improve muscle function and mass, but literature on this topic is extensive and heterogeneous including numerous interventions and outcomemeasures. This reviewuses a detailed systematic approach to investigate the effect of this wide range of exercise-based interventions on muscle function and mass. PUBMED and PEDro databases were searched. In all, 70 studies (n ¼ 2504 COPD patients) that implemented an exercise-based intervention and reported muscle strength, endurance, or mass in clinically stable COPD patients were critically appraised. Aerobic and/or resistance training, high-intensity interval training, electrical or magnetic muscle stimulation, whole-body vibration, andwater-based training were investigated. Muscle strength increased in 78%, muscle endurance in 92%, and muscle mass in 88% of the cases where that specific outcome was measured. Despite large heterogeneity in exercise-based interventions and outcome measures used, most exercise-based trials showed improvements in muscle strength, endurance, and mass in COPD patients. Which intervention(s) is (are) best for which subgroup of patients remains currently unknown. Furthermore, this literature review identifies gaps in the current knowledge and generates recommendations for future research to enhance our knowledge on exercise-based interventions in COPD patients.-
dc.description.sponsorshipBOF UHasselt-
dc.rightsCreative Commons CC BY-NC: This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 License ( which permits non-commercial use, reproduction and distribution of the work without further permission provided the original work is attributed as specified on the SAGE and Open Access pages (
dc.subject.otherCOPD; pulmonary rehabilitation; exercise training; lower limb; muscle function; muscle mass-
dc.titleChanges in lower limb muscle function and muscle mass following exercise-based interventions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A review of the English-language literature-
dc.typeJournal Contribution-
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item.fullcitationDE BRANDT, Jana; SPRUIT, Martijn A.; HANSEN, Dominique; Franssen, Frits; Derave, Wim; Sillen, Maurice & BURTIN, Chris (2018) Changes in lower limb muscle function and muscle mass following exercise-based interventions in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: A review of the English-language literature. In: Chronic Respiratory Disease, 15(2), p. 182-219.-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.validationecoom 2019-
item.contributorDE BRANDT, Jana-
item.contributorSPRUIT, Martijn A.-
item.contributorHANSEN, Dominique-
item.contributorFranssen, Frits-
item.contributorDerave, Wim-
item.contributorSillen, Maurice-
item.contributorBURTIN, Chris-
item.accessRightsOpen Access-
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