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dc.contributor.authorNEYENS, Thomas-
dc.contributor.authorFAES, Christel-
dc.contributor.authorMOLENBERGHS, Geert-
dc.identifier.citationCommunications in statistics. Simulation and computation, 48(3), p. 819-836-
dc.description.abstractThe combined model accounts for different forms of extra-variability and has traditionally been applied in the likelihood framework, or in the Bayesian setting via Markov chain Monte Carlo. In this article, integrated nested Laplace approximation is investigated as an alternative estimation method for the combined model for count data, and compared with the former estimation techniques. Longitudinal, spatial, and multi-hierarchical data scenarios are investigated in three case studies as well as a simulation study. As a conclusion, integrated nested Laplace approximation provides fast and precise estimation, while avoiding convergence problems often seen when using Markov chain Monte Carlo.-
dc.description.sponsorshipFinancial support from the IAP research network #P7/06 of the Belgian Government (Belgian Science Policy) and the Research Foundation Flanders (12S7217N) is gratefully acknowledged.-
dc.publisherTAYLOR & FRANCIS INC-
dc.subject.otherBayesian inference-
dc.subject.otherCombined model-
dc.subject.otherCount data-
dc.subject.otherIntegrated nested Laplace approximation-
dc.subject.otherSpatial data analysis-
dc.titleIntegrated nested Laplace approximation as a new estimation method for the combined model: a simulation study-
dc.typeJournal Contribution-
local.publisher.place530 WALNUT STREET, STE 850, PHILADELPHIA, PA 19106 USA-
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local.provider.typeWeb of Science-
item.contributorNEYENS, Thomas-
item.contributorFAES, Christel-
item.contributorMOLENBERGHS, Geert-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.accessRightsRestricted Access-
item.fullcitationNEYENS, Thomas; FAES, Christel & MOLENBERGHS, Geert (2019) Integrated nested Laplace approximation as a new estimation method for the combined model: a simulation study. In: Communications in statistics. Simulation and computation, 48(3), p. 819-836.-
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