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Title: The role of peer effects in firms' usage of R&D tax exemptions
Authors: KELCHTERMANS, Stijn 
Neicu, Daniel
Teirlinck, Peter
Issue Date: 2020
Publisher: Elsevier
Source: Journal of business research, 108 , p. 74 -91
Abstract: Survey evidence suggests that firms are insufficiently aware of newly introduced R&D support measures due to the complexity of the public supportlandscape. Asaresult,adoptionisslowandincomplete,whichimpliesthateligiblefirmsleavemoneyonthetable.Wehypothesizethatakeycopingmechanisminvolvesfirmsrelyingontheirpeers’behaviourtoinformtheirownadoptiondecision.Wetestthishypothesisbyanalysingfirms'firstuseofanewly-introducedR&DtaxexemptionschemeinBelgium.Weidentifyendogenouspeereffectsinindustry-andlocation-basedpeergroupsbyexploitingtheintransitivityinfirms’networksaswellasvariationinpeergroupsize.Theresultsshowthatfirms’decisionstouseR&Dtaxexemptionsareinfluencedbythechoicesoftheirpeers,primarilyinthetimewindowimmediatelyfollowingtheirintroduction.ThefindingssuggestthattheefficacyofR&Dpolicycanbeimprovedbyaccountingforthestructureoffirmnetworksinthecommunicationofnewsupportinitiatives.
JEL classifications: D83 D85 L14 O38 A B S T R A C T Survey evidence suggests that firms are insufficiently aware of newly introduced R&D support measures due to the complexity of the public support landscape. As a result, adoption is slow and incomplete, which implies that eligible firms leave money on the table. We hypothesize that a key coping mechanism involves firms relying on their peers' behaviour to inform their own adoption decision. We test this hypothesis by analysing firms' first use of a newly-introduced R&D tax exemption scheme in Belgium. We identify endogenous peer effects in industry-and location-based peer groups by exploiting the intransitivity in firms' networks as well as variation in peer group size. The results show that firms' decisions to use R&D tax exemptions are influenced by the choices of their peers, primarily in the time window immediately following their introduction. The findings suggest that the efficacy of R&D policy can be improved by accounting for the structure of firm networks in the communication of new support initiatives.
Keywords: Peer effects;Information diffusion;R&D tax exemptions;Innovation;policy
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ISSN: 0148-2963
e-ISSN: 1873-7978
DOI: 10.1016/j.jbusres.2019.09.059
ISI #: WOS:000518709500008
Rights: 2019 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved
Category: A1
Type: Journal Contribution
Validations: ecoom 2021
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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