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Title: Intrinsic determination of the criticality of a slow-fast Hopf bifurcation
Authors: DE MAESSCHALCK, Peter 
Doan, Thai Son
WYNEN, Jeroen 
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: The presence of slow-fast Hopf (or singular Hopf) points in slow-fast systems in the plane is often deduced from the shape of a vector field brought into normal form. It can however be quite cumbersome to put a system in normal form. In the monograph "Canards from birth to transition", an intrinsic presentation of slow-fast vector fields is initiated, showing hands-on formulas to check for the presence of such singular contact points. We generalize the results in the sense that the criticality of the Hopf bifurcation can be checked with a single formula. We demonstrate the result on a slow-fast system given in non-standard form where slow and fast variables are not separated from each other. The formula is convenient since it does not require any parameterization of the critical curve.
Keywords: Mathematics - Dynamical Systems;34C23, 37G10, 34C26;singular bifurcations;slow-fast Hopf bifurcation;criticality
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Type: Preprint
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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