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dc.contributor.authorWANG, Qi-
dc.contributor.authorLai, Jinxing-
dc.contributor.authorCLAESEN, Luc-
dc.contributor.authorYang, Zhenguo-
dc.contributor.authorLei, Liang-
dc.contributor.authorLiu, Wenyin-
dc.identifier.citationNeural networks (Print), 130 (October 2020) , p. 1 -10-
dc.description.abstractActivated hidden unites in convolutional neural networks (CNNs), known as feature maps, dominate image representation, which is compact and discriminative. For ultra-large data sets, high dimensional feature maps in float format not only result in high computational complexity, but also occupy massive memory space. To this end, a new image representation by aggregating convolution kernels (ACK) is proposed, where some convolution kernels capturing certain patterns are activated. The top-n index numbers of the convolution kernels are extracted directly as image representation in discrete integer values, which rebuild relationship between convolution kernels and image. Furthermore, a distance measurement is defined from the perspective of ordered sets to calculate position-sensitive similarities between image representations. Extensive experiments conducted on Oxford Buildings, Paris, and Holidays, etc., manifest that the proposed ACK achieves competitive performance on image retrieval with much lower computational cost, outperforming the ones using feature maps for image representation.-
dc.description.sponsorshipAcknowledgments This work is supported by the National Natural Science Foun-dationofChina(No.61703109,No.91748107,No.61902077,No.61675050), Guangdong Basic and Applied Basic Research Foun-dation (No. 2020A1515010616), Guangdong Innovative ResearchTeamProgram(No.2014ZT05G157).ThisstudywassupportedbytheSpecialResearchFundofHasseltUniversity(No.BOF20BL01)-
dc.rights2020 Elsevier Ltd.-
dc.subject.otherImage Retrieval-
dc.subject.otherImage Representation-
dc.subject.otherFeature Aggregating-
dc.subject.otherDistance Measurement-
dc.subject.otherConvolutional Neural Networks-
dc.titleA novel feature representation: Aggregating convolution kernels for image retrieval-
dc.typeJournal Contribution-
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item.fullcitationWANG, Qi; Lai, Jinxing; CLAESEN, Luc; Yang, Zhenguo; Lei, Liang & Liu, Wenyin (2020) A novel feature representation: Aggregating convolution kernels for image retrieval. In: Neural networks (Print), 130 (October 2020) , p. 1 -10.-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
item.validationecoom 2021-
item.contributorWANG, Qi-
item.contributorLai, Jinxing-
item.contributorCLAESEN, Luc-
item.contributorYang, Zhenguo-
item.contributorLei, Liang-
item.contributorLiu, Wenyin-
item.accessRightsOpen Access-
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