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Title: Management of dyslipidaemia in patients with coronary heart disease: Results from the ESC-EORP EUROASPIRE V survey in 27 countries
Authors: De Backer, Guy
Jankowski, Piotr
Kotseva, Kornelia
Mirrakhimov, Erkin
Reiner, Zeljko
Ryden, Lars
Tokgozoglu, Lale
Wood, David
De Bacquer, Dirk
Abreu, A.
Aguiar, C.
Badariene, J.
Bruthans, J.
Castro Conde, A.
Cifkova, R.
Crowley, J.
Davletov, K.
De Smedt, D
De Sutter, J.
Deckers, J.W.
Dilic, M.
Dolzhenko, M.
Druais, H.
Dzerve, V.
Erglis, A.
Fras, Z.
Gaita, D.
Gotcheva, N.
Grobbee, D. E.
Gyberg, V.
Ali, H. Hasan
Heuschmann, P.
Hoes, A. W.
Lalic, N.
Lehto, S.
Lovic, D.
Maggioni, A. P.
Mancas, S.
Marques-Vidal, P.
Mellbin, L.
Milicic, D.
Oganov, R.
Pogosova, N.
Stagmo, M.
Stoerk, S.
Sundvall, J.
Tsioufis, K.
Vulic, D.
Jennings, C.
Adamska, A.
Wood, D.A.
Adamska, S.
Tuomilehto, J.
Schnell, O.
Fiorucci, E.
Glemot, M.
Larras, F.
Missiamenou, V.
Maggioni, A.
Taylor, C.
Ferreira, T.
Lemaitre, K.
Raman, L.
DeSmedt, D.
Willems, A. M.
De Pauw, M.
Vervaet, P.
BOLLEN, Joyce 
Dekimpe, E.
Van Genechten, G.
Bouvier, C. A.
Chenu, P.
Huyberechts, D.
Persu, A.
Begic, A.
Nalbantic, A. Durak
Dzubur, A.
Hadzibegic, N.
Iglica, A.
Kapidjic, S.
Bico, A. Osmanagic
Resic, N.
Bajramovic, N. Sabanovic
Zvizdic, F.
Kovacevic-Preradovic, T.
Popovic-Pejicic, S.
Djekic, D.
Gnjatic, T.
Knezevic, T.
Kos, Lj
Stanetic, B.
Topic, G.
Georgiev, Borislav
Terziev, A.
Vladimirov, G.
Angelov, A.
Kanazirev, B.
Nikolaeva, S.
Tonkova, D.
Vetkova, M.
Bosnic, A.
Dubravcic, M.
Glavina, M.
Mance, M.
Pavasovic, S.
Samardzic, J.
Batinic, T.
Crljenko, K.
Delic-Brkljacic, D.
Dula, K.
Golubic, K.
Klobucar, I.
Kordic, K.
Kos, N.
Nedic, M.
Olujic, D.
Sedinic, V.
Blazevic, T.
Pasalic, A.
Percic, M.
Sikic, J.
Hasplova, K.
Sulc, P.
Wohlfahrt, P.
Mayer, O., Jr.
Cvicela, M.
Filipovsky, J.
Gelzinsky, J.
Hronova, M.
Hasan-Ali, H.
Bakery, S.
Mosad, E.
Hamed, H.B.
Ibrahim, A.
Elsharef, M. A.
Kholef, E. F.
Shehata, A.
Youssef, M.
Elhefny, E.
Farid, H.
Moustafa, T. M.
Sobieh, M. S.
Kabil, H.
Abdelmordy, A.
Kiljander, E.
Kiljander, P.
Koukkunen, H.
Mustonen, J.
Cremer, C.
Frantz, S.
Haupt, A.
Hofmann, U.
Ludwig, K.
Melnyk, H.
Noutsias, M.
Karmann, W.
Prondzinsky, R.
Herdeg, C.
Hoevelborn, T.
Daaboul, A.
Geisler, T.
Keller, T.
Sauerbrunn, D.
Walz-Ayed, M.
Ertl, G.
Leyh, R.
Ehlert, T.
Klocke, B.
Krapp, J.
Ludwig, T.
Kaes, J.
Starke, C.
Ungethuem, K.
Wagner, M.
Wiedmann, S.
Tolis, P.
Vogiatzi, G.
Sanidas, E.
Tsakalis, K.
Kanakakis, J.
Koutsoukis, A.
Vasileiadis, K.
Zarifis, J.
Karvounis, C.
Gibson, I.
Houlihan, A.
Kelly, C.
O'Donnell, M.
Bennati, M.
Cosmi, F.
Mariottoni, B.
Morganti, M.
Cherubini, A.
Di Lenarda, A.
Radini, D.
Ramani, F.
Francese, M. G.
Gulizia, M. M.
Pericone, D.
Aigerim, K.
Bekbolat, Z.
Amirov, B.
Assembekov, B.
Chernokurova, E.
Ibragimova, F.
Kodasbayev, A.
Markova, A.
Asanbaev, A.
Toktomamatov, U.
Tursunbaev, M.
Zakirov, U.
Abilova, S.
Arapova, R.
Bektasheva, E.
Esenbekova, J.
Neronova, K.
Baigaziev, K.
Baitova, G.
Zheenbekov, T.
Andrejeva, T.
Bajare, I.
Kucika, G.
Labuce, A.
Putane, L.
Stabulniece, M.
Klavins, E.
Sime, I.
Gedvilaite, L.
Peciuraite, D.
Sileikiene, V.
Skiauteryte, E.
Solovjova, S.
Sidabraite, R.
Briedis, K.
Ceponiene, I.
Jurenas, M.
Kersulis, J.
Martinkute, G.
Vaitiekiene, A.
Vasiljevaite, K.
Veisaite, R.
Plisiene, J.
Siurkaite, V.
Vaiciulis, Z.
Czarnecka, D.
Koziel, P.
Podolec, P.
Nessler, J.
Gomula, P.
Mirek-Bryniarska, E.
Bogacki, P.
Wisniewski, A.
Pajak, A.
Wolfshaut-Wolak, R.
Bucko, J.
Kaminski, K.
Lapinska, M.
Paniczko, M.
Raczkowski, A.
Sawicka, E.
Stachurska, Z.
Szpakowicz, M.
Musial, W.
Dobrzycki, S.
Bychowski, J.
Kosior, D. A.
Krzykwa, A.
Setny, M.
Rak, A.
Gasior, Z.
Haberka, M.
Szostak-Janiak, K.
Finik, M.
Liszka, J.
Botelho, A.
Cachulo, M.
Sousa, J.
Pais, A.
Durazzo, A.
Matos, D.
Gouveia, R.
Rodrigues, G.
Strong, C.
Guerreiro, R.
Aguiar, J.
Cruz, M.
Daniel, P.
Morais, L.
Moreira, R.
Rosa, S.
Rodrigues, I.
Selas, M.
Apostu, A.
Cosor, O.
Gaita, L.
Giurgiu, L.
Hudrea, C.
Maximov, D.
Moldovan, B.
Mosteoru, S.
Pleava, R.
Ionescu, M.
Parepa, I.
Arutyunov, A.
Ausheva, A.
Isakova, S.
Karpova, A.
Salbieva, A.
Sokolova, O.
Vasilevsky, A.
Pozdnyakov, Y.
Antropova, O.
Borisova, L.
Osipova, I.
Aleksic, M.
Crnokrak, B.
Djokic, J.
Hinic, S.
Vukasin, T.
Zdravkovic, M.
Lalic, N. M.
Jotic, A.
Lalic, K.
Lukic, L.
Milicic, T.
Macesic, M.
Gajovic, J. Stanarcic
Stoiljkovic, M.
Djordjevic, D.
Kostic, S.
Tasic, I.
Vukovic, A.
Jug, B.
Juhant, A.
Krt, A.
Kugonjic, U.
Chipayo Gonzales, D.
Gomez Barrado, J. J.
Kounka, Z.
Marcos Gomez, G.
Mogollon Jimenez, M. V.
Ortiz Cortes, C.
Perez Espejo, P.
Porras Ramos, Y.
Colman, R.
Delgado, J.
Otero, E.
Perez, A.
Fernandez-Olmo, M. R.
Torres-LLergo, J.
Vasco, C.
Barrenada, E.
Botas, J.
Campuzano, R.
Gonzalez, Y.
Rodrigo, M.
de Pablo, C.
Velasco, E.
Hernandez, S.
Lozano, C.
Gonzalez, P.
Castro, A.
Dalmau, R.
Hernandez, D.
Irazusta, F. J.
Velez, A.
Vindel, C.
Gomez-Doblas, J. J.
Garcia Ruiz, V.
Gomez, L.
Gomez Garcia, M.
Jimenez-Navarro, M.
Molina Ramos, A.
Marzal, D.
Martinez, G.
Lavado, R.
Vidal, A.
Bostrom-Nilsson, V.
Kjellstrom, B.
Shahim, B.
Smetana, S.
Hansen, O.
Stensgaard-Nake, E.
Klijn, A. J.
Mangus, T. J. P.
Peters, R. J. G.
Reimer, W. Scholte Op
Snaterse, M.
Aydogdu, S.
Erol, C.
Oturk, S.
Kaya, C. Tulunay
Ahmetoglu, Y.
Ergene, O.
Akdeniz, B.
Cirgamis, D.
Kultursay, S. Akkoyun H.
Kayikcioglu, M.
Catakoglu, A. B.
Cengel, A.
Kocak, A. A.
Agirbasli, M. A.
Aciksari, G.
Cekin, M. E.
Kaya, E. B.
Kocyigit, D.
Ongen, Z.
Ozmen, E.
Sansoy, V.
Kaya, A.
Oktay, V.
Temizhan, A.
Unal, S.
Yakut, I.
Kalkan, A. K.
Bozkurt, E.
Kasapkara, H. A.
Faradzh, C.
Hrubyak, L.
Konoplianyk, L.
Kozhuharyova, N.
Lobach, L.
Nesukai, V.
Nudchenko, O.
Simagina, T.
Yakovenko, L.
Azarenko, V.
Potabashny, V.
Bazylevych, A.
Bazylevych, M.
Kaminska, K.
Panchenko, L.
Shershnyova, O.
Ovrakh, T.
Serik, S.
Kolesnik, T.
Kosova, H.
Atkin, A. Hoye P.
Fellowes, D.
Lindsay, S.
Atkinson, C.
Kranilla, C.
Vinod, M.
Beerachee, Y.
Bennett, C.
Broome, M.
Bwalya, A.
Caygill, Lindsay
Dinning, L.
Gillespie, A.
Goodfellow, R.
Guy, J.
Idress, T.
Mills, C.
Morgan, C.
Oustance, N.
Singh, N.
Yare, M.
Jagoda, J. M.
Bowyer, H.
Christenssen, V.
Groves, A.
Jan, A.
Riaz, A.
Gill, M.
Sewell, T. A.
Gorog, D.
Baker, M.
De Sousa, P.
Mazenenga, T.
Porter, J.
Haines, F.
Peachey, T.
Taaffe, J.
Wells, K.
Ripley, D. P.
Forward, H.
McKie, H.
Pick, S. L.
Thomas, H. E.
Batin, P. D.
Exley, D.
Rank, T.
Wright, J.
Kardos, A.
Sutherland, S. -B.
Wren, L.
Leeson, P.
Barker, D.
Moreby, B.
Sawyer, J.
Stirrup, J.
Brunton, M.
Brodison, A.
Craig, J.
Peters, S.
Kaprielian, R.
Bucaj, A.
Mahay, K.
Oblak, M.
Gale, C.
Pye, M.
McGill, Y.
Redfearn, H.
Fearnley, M.
Issue Date: 2019
Source: Atherosclerosis (Amsterdam), 285 , p. 135 -146
Abstract: Background and aims: One of the objectives of the ESC-EORP EUROASPIRE V survey is to determine how well European guidelines on the management of dyslipidaemias are implemented in coronary patients. Methods: Standardized methods were used by trained technicians to collect information on 7824 patients from 130 centers in 27 countries, from the medical records and at a visit at least 6 months after hospitalization for a coronary event. All lipid measurements were performed in one central laboratory. Patients were divided into three groups: on high-intensity LDL-C-lowering-drug therapy (LLT), on low or moderate-intensity LLT and on no LLT. Results: At the time of the visit, almost half of the patients were on a high-intensity LLT. Between hospital discharge and the visit, LLT had been reduced in intensity or interrupted in 20.8% of the patients and had been started or increased in intensity in 11.7%. In those who had interrupted LLT or had reduced the intensity, intolerance to LLT and the advice of their physician were reported as the reason why in 15.8 and 36.8% of the cases, respectively. LDL-C control was better in those on a high-intensity LLT compared to those on low or moderate intensity LLT. LDL-C control was better in men than women and in patients with self-reported diabetes. Conclusions: The results of the EUROASPIRE V survey show that most coronary patients have a less than optimal management of LDL-C. More professional strategies are needed, aiming at lifestyle changes and LLT adapted to the need of the individual patient.
Notes: De Backer, G (reprint author), Univ Ghent, Dept Publ Hlth, Ghent, Belgium.
Keywords: LDL-Cholesterol;Coronary heart disease;EUROASPIRE;Secondary prevention;Dyslipidaemia;Lipid lowering therapy
Document URI:
ISSN: 0021-9150
e-ISSN: 1879-1484
DOI: 10.1016/j.atherosclerosis.2019.03.014
ISI #: WOS:000468732700018
Rights: 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Category: A1
Type: Journal Contribution
Validations: ecoom 2020
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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