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Title: Presentation of the visual guidelines: DIN Spec 33429 „Empfehlungen für Deutsche Leichte Sprache“
Authors: SIEGHART, Sabina 
WENZL, Juliane
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: The draft of DIN SPEC 33429 was presented online in two information events and published in the YouTube channel of DIN Presentation 1 in German: DIN SPEC 33429 "Recommendations for German Easy Language" is currently being developed in a consortium with the participation of representatives from the public sector, science, design, translation and testing, and publishers. The participation of people with reading and learning difficulties is particularly important in this process. On the one hand, they are dependent on texts in plain language; on the other hand, they also review texts in plain language as experts in their own right. The draft of DIN SPEC 33429 contains recommendations for translating texts into German Easy-to-Read Language, writing texts in German Easy-to-Read , and designing content in Easy-to-Read . The document describes ways to improve the comprehensibility and readability of texts and content for people with learning disabilities and other people who benefit from plain language. Furthermore, the document contains linguistic recommendations on word, sentence and text level in Easy-to-Read texts as well as on how to embed these texts in usage situations. It also contains recommendations for the visual design of Easy-to-Read texts. Furthermore, recommendations are given on the use of Easy-to-Read in various media formats. The document describes the process of creating texts and content in plain language. Finally, there are recommendations on the necessary qualifications of text creators, reviewers, and designers. DIN SPEC 33429 is aimed at all persons involved in the creation of texts and content in Easy-to-Read , as well as at clients. The project, funded by the German Federal Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs (BMAS), was launched in March 2020. It also serves to implement the legal requirements for the use of Easy-to-Read and thus supports, for example, public agencies at the federal, state, and local levels. In addition, it can also help other organizations to use plain language. Furthermore, the recommendations can serve as quality assurance and as criteria for tenders.
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Category: O
Type: Other
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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