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Title: Information Resources Among Flemish Pregnant Women: Cross-sectional Study
Authors: LANSSENS, Dorien 
THIJS, Inge 
DREESEN, Pauline 
Van Hecke, Ann
Coorevits, Pascal
Gaethofs , Gitte
Derycke, Joyce
Tency, Inge
Issue Date: 2022
Source: JMIR FORMATIVE RESEARCH, 6 (10) (Art N° e37866)
Abstract: Background: There has been an exponential growth in the availability of apps, resulting in increased use of pregnancy apps. However, information on resources and use of apps among pregnant women is relatively limited. Objective: The aim of this study is to map the current information resources and the use of pregnancy apps among pregnant women in Flanders. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted, using a semistructured survey (April-June 2019) consisting of four different domains: (1) demographics; (2) use of devices; (3) sources of information; and (4) use of pregnancy apps. Women were recruited by social media, flyers, and paper questionnaires at prenatal consultations. Statistical analysis was mainly focused on descriptive statistics. Differences in continuous and categorical variables were tested using independent Student t tests and chi-square tests. Correlations were investigated between maternal characteristics and the women's responses. Results: In total, 311 women completed the entire questionnaire. Obstetricians were the primary source of information (268/311, 86.2%) for pregnant women, followed by websites/internet (267/311, 85.9%) and apps (233/311, 74.9%). The information that was most searched for was information about the development of the baby (275/311, 88.5%), discomfort/complaints (251/311, 80.7%) and health during pregnancy (248/311, 79.7%), administrative/practical issues (233/311, 74.9%), and breastfeeding (176/311, 56.6%). About half of the women (172/311, 55.3%) downloaded a pregnancy app, and primarily searched app stores (133/311, 43.0%). Pregnant women who are single asked their mothers (22/30, 73.3%) or other family members (13/30, 43.3%) for significantly more information than did married women (mother [in law]: 82/160, 51.3%, P=.02; family members: 35/160, 21.9%, P=.01). Pregnant women with lower education were significantly more likely to have a PC or laptop than those with higher education (72/73, 98.6% vs 203/237, 85.5%; P=.008), and to consult other family members for pregnancy information (30/73, 41.1% vs 55/237, 23.1%; P<.001), but were less likely to consult a gynecologist (70/73, 95.9% vs 198/237, 83.5%; P=.001). They also followed more prenatal sessions (59/73, 80.8% vs 77/237, 32.5%; P=.04) and were more likely to search for information regarding discomfort/complaints during pregnancy (65/73, 89% vs 188/237, 79.5%; P=.02). Compared to multigravida, primigravida were more likely to solicit advice about their pregnancy from other women in their social networks (family members: primigravida 44/109, 40.4% vs multigravida 40/199, 20.1%; P<.001; other pregnant women: primigravida 58/109, 53.2% vs multigravida 80/199, 40.2%; P<.03). Conclusions: Health care professionals need to be aware that apps are important and are a growing source of information for pregnant women. Concerns rise about the quality and safety of those apps, as only a limited number of apps are subjected to an external quality check. Therefore, it is important that health care providers refer to high-quality digital resources and take the opportunity to discuss digital information with pregnant women.
Notes: Lanssens, D (corresponding author), Univ Hasselt, Limburg Clin Res Ctr, Fac Med & Life Sci, Martelarenlaan 42, B-3500 Hasselt, Belgium.
Keywords: pregnancy app;mobile app;questionnaire;pregnancy;pregnant;mHealth;mobile health;cross-sectional;user need;user expectation;survey;maternal;maternity;user experience
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e-ISSN: 2561-326X
DOI: 10.2196/37866
ISI #: 001044189700018
Rights: Dorien Lanssens, Inge M Thijs, Pauline Dreesen, Ann Van Hecke, Pascal Coorevits, Gitte Gaethofs, Joyce Derycke, Inge Tency. Originally published in JMIR Formative Research (, 11.10.2022. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Formative Research, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be included.
Category: A1
Type: Journal Contribution
Validations: vabb 2024
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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