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dc.contributor.advisorVan Heusden, Bernard-
dc.contributor.authorGORDEEVA, Yelena-
dc.contributor.editorGinige, Tilak-
dc.identifier.citationGinige, Tilak; Green , Iain; Simons, Alain; McMullen, Joseph (Ed.). Social and scientific uncretianties in environmental law, Internsentia, p. 370 -384-
dc.description.abstractAssuming that Green infrastrucutre (GI) design and implementation will always need to be based on less-than-complete knowledge and uncertain science, reducing our ability to make accurate predictions regarding the responses of species and ecological processes and/or other changes across GI areas, including climate change, as well as our ability to perform all steps from design to implementation of GI this contribution intends to provide the beginnings of an answer to the very complex question of how to manage uncertainty in GI design and implementation. Firstly, this Introduction to the contribution sets out the policy context, defines the problem, and states the research question ( section 1 ). Secondly, the “ Understanding of the ‘ Green Infrastructure ’ concept ” section explores the concept of “ GI ” , suggesting that there is already uncertainty associated with the understanding of the concept. Thirdly, section 3 , on “ Uncertainty in GI Decision-making Process: Typology and Consequences ” , investigates how uncertainty may manifest itself in the process of GI design and implementation ( section 3.1. ), and what the consequences are of uncertainty in GI decisionmaking processes ? ( section 3.2. ). Finally, the conclusion ( section 4 ) highlights that future research is needed to explore possible legal tools which may be used to respond to each type of uncertainty identified in this contribution.-
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEuropean Environmental Law Forum-
dc.subject.otherEnvironmental law-
dc.subject.othergreen infrastructure-
dc.subject.othertypes of uncertainties-
dc.subject.otherlegal tools to manage uncertainties-
dc.subject.otheradaptive management-
dc.subject.otherlegal principles-
dc.titleUncertainty in Green Infrastructure Decision Making: Types, Consequences and Available Legal Tools-
dc.typeBook Section-
local.bibliographicCitation.authorsGinige, Tilak-
local.bibliographicCitation.authorsGreen , Iain-
local.bibliographicCitation.authorsSimons, Alain-
local.bibliographicCitation.authorsMcMullen, Joseph-
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local.type.specifiedBook Section-
local.bibliographicCitation.btitleSocial and scientific uncretianties in environmental law-
item.fulltextNo Fulltext-
item.accessRightsClosed Access-
item.fullcitationGORDEEVA, Yelena (2024) Uncertainty in Green Infrastructure Decision Making: Types, Consequences and Available Legal Tools. In: Ginige, Tilak; Green , Iain; Simons, Alain; McMullen, Joseph (Ed.). Social and scientific uncretianties in environmental law, Internsentia, p. 370 -384.-
item.contributorGORDEEVA, Yelena-
item.contributorGinige, Tilak-
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