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Title: On the critical competition between singlet exciton decay and free charge generation in non-fullerene based organic solar cells with low energetic offsets
Authors: Pranav, Manasi
Shukla, Atul
Moser, David
Rumeney, Julia
Liu, Wenlan
Wang , Rong
Sun, Bowen
SMEETS, Sander 
Tokmoldin, Nurlan
Cao, Yonglin
He, Guorui
Beitz, Thorben
Jaiser, Frank
Hultzsch, Thomas
Shoaee, Safa
MAES, Wouter 
Lueer, Larry
Brabec, Christoph
Andrienko, Denis
Ludwigs, Sabine
Neher, Dieter
Issue Date: 2024
Source: Energy & Environmental Science (print),
Status: Early view
Abstract: Reducing voltage losses while maintaining high photocurrents is the holy grail of current research on non-fullerene acceptor (NFA) based organic solar cell. Recent focus lies in understanding the various fundamental mechanisms in organic blends with minimal energy offsets - particularly the relationship between ionization energy offset (Delta IE) and free charge generation. Here, we quantitatively probe this relationship in multiple NFA-based blends by mixing Y-series NFAs with PM6 of different molecular weights, covering a broad power conversion efficiency (PCE) range: from 15% down to 1%. Spectroelectrochemistry reveals that a Delta IE of more than 0.3 eV is necessary for efficient photocurrent generation. Bias-dependent time-delayed collection experiments reveal a very pronounced field-dependence of free charge generation for small Delta IE blends, which is mirrored by a strong and simultaneous field-dependence of the quantified photoluminescence from the NFA local singlet exciton (LE). We find that the decay of singlet excitons is the primary competition to free charge generation in low-offset NFA-based organic solar cells, with neither noticeable losses from charge-transfer (CT) decay nor evidence for LE-CT hybridization. In agreement with this conclusion, transient absorption spectroscopy consistently reveals that a smaller Delta IE slows the NFA exciton dissociation into free charges, albeit restorable by an electric field. Our experimental data align with Marcus theory calculations, supported by density functional theory simulations, for zero-field free charge generation and exciton decay efficiencies. We conclude that efficient photocurrent generation generally requires that the CT state is located below the LE, but that this restriction is lifted in systems with a small reorganization energy for charge transfer. A quantitative study, supported by Marcus theory and DFT, showing why the fate of singlet excitons is the pivot to free charge generation in low-energy offset organic solar cells.
Notes: Neher, D (corresponding author), Univ Potsdam, Inst Phys & Astron, Karl Liebknecht Str 24-25, D-14476 Potsdam, Germany.
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ISSN: 1754-5692
e-ISSN: 1754-5706
DOI: 10.1039/d4ee01409j
ISI #: 001290353900001
Rights: The Royal Society of Chemistry 2024. Open Access Article. Published on 30 July 2024. Downloaded on 9/6/2024 1:33:54 PM. This article is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported Licence
Category: A1
Type: Journal Contribution
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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