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dc.contributor.authorKUNNEN, Kris-
dc.contributor.authorAli, Muntasir-
dc.contributor.authorLATAF, Amine-
dc.contributor.authorVan Hees, May-
dc.contributor.authorNauts, Robin-
dc.contributor.authorHOREMANS, Nele-
dc.contributor.authorVANDAMME, Dries-
dc.contributor.authorCUYPERS, Ann-
dc.identifier.citationFrontiers in plant science, 15-
dc.description.abstractTo reach the estimated food demands for 2050 in decreasingly suiting climates, current agricultural techniques have to be complemented by sustainably intensified practices. The current study repurposed wheat crop residues into biochar, and investigated its potential in different plant cultivation systems, including a hydroponic cultivation of wheat. Biochars resulting from varying pyrolysis parameters including feedstock composition (straw and chaff) and temperature (450°C and 600°C), were tested using a fast plant screening method. Biochar WBC450, produced from a combination of chaff and straw at 450°C, was selected for further plant experiments, and used in a static leaching experiment in the Arabidopsis thaliana cultivation medium. Increased pH and EC were observed, together with an increase of most macronutrient (K, Mg, P, S) and a decrease of most micronutrient (Fe, Mn, Zn) concentrations. Considering plant growth, application of biochar resulted in concentration-dependent effects in both tested plant species (A. thaliana and wheat). It improved the vegetative yield across all tested cultivation systems. Increases in K and S, and concentration-dependent decreases in Fe and Na content in wheatgrass were observed. Biochar influenced the reproduction of hydroponically cultivated wheat by increasing the number of spikes and the number of seeds per spike. The antioxidative capacity of wheat grass, and the seed sugar and starch contents remained unaffected by biochar application. This study contributes to innovation in soilless cultivation approaches of staple crops, within the framework of closing waste loops for a circular bioeconomy.-
dc.rights© 2024 Kunnen, Ali, Lataf, Van Hees, Nauts, Horemans, Vandamme and Cuypers. This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (CC BY). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is permitted, provided the original author(s) and the copyright owner(s) are credited and that the original publication in this journal is cited, in accordance with accepted academic practice. No use, distribution or reproduction is permitted which does not comply with these terms.-
dc.subject.otherhydroponics and soilless cultivation-
dc.subject.otherArabidopsis thaliana-
dc.subject.othercircular bioeconomy-
dc.titleFrom crop left-overs to nutrient resource: growth-stimulating potential of biochar in nutrient solutions for wheat soilless cultivation systems-
dc.typeJournal Contribution-
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dc.description.otherThe manuscript was published in Frontiers, Frontiers in Plant Science, Section Plant Nutrition, in a research topic called 'Application and Mechanism of Plant Biostimulants, Biochar, Fertilizer Products, and Other Nutrition-related Agrochemicals'. At the moment of copying this link, 18 articles were published in this Research Topic. I don't know how this translates to the metadata, but I mention it here in case it matters. No specific pages are available. The research was funded by VLAIO and Flanders' FOOD, which are no commercial facilities. The Funding information as written in the manuscript, in case it is needed anyway: The author(s) declare financial support was received for the research, authorship and/or publication of this article. The authors declare that this study received funding from Flanders’ FOOD and Flanders Innovation and Entrepreneurship (VLAIO) as part of the SpaceBakery project (grant number HBC.2019.0100). The funder was not involved in the study design, collection, analysis, interpretation of data, the writing of this article or the decision to submit it for publication.-
item.fullcitationKUNNEN, Kris; Ali, Muntasir; LATAF, Amine; Van Hees, May; Nauts, Robin; HOREMANS, Nele; VANDAMME, Dries & CUYPERS, Ann (2024) From crop left-overs to nutrient resource: growth-stimulating potential of biochar in nutrient solutions for wheat soilless cultivation systems. In: Frontiers in plant science, 15.-
item.contributorKUNNEN, Kris-
item.contributorAli, Muntasir-
item.contributorLATAF, Amine-
item.contributorVan Hees, May-
item.contributorNauts, Robin-
item.contributorHOREMANS, Nele-
item.contributorVANDAMME, Dries-
item.contributorCUYPERS, Ann-
item.accessRightsOpen Access-
item.fulltextWith Fulltext-
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