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Title: Seroepidemiology of diphtheria and pertussis in Luxembourg in 2000
Authors: Mossong, J
Putz, L
Schneider, F
Issue Date: 2006
Source: EPIDEMIOLOGY AND INFECTION, 134(3). p. 573-578
Abstract: A large serosurvey was carried out in Luxembourg in 2000-2001, to determine the population immunity against a number of vaccine-preventable infections including diphtheria and pertussis. Immunity to diphtheria and pertussis was assessed using an in-house neutralization assay and a commercial ELISA test respectively. Mean pertussis antibody activity decreased from 4 to 8 years of age, reflecting the effects of waning of vaccine-induced immunity. Mean pertussis antibody activity increased during adolescence due to infection in previously vaccinated individuals and levelled out after approximately 20 years of age. For adults > 25 years age, a statistically significant 30% difference in mean antibody activity between men and women was observed. The proportion of seronegatives for diphtheria among children and adolescents aged < 20 years was 2(.)5% reflecting the high vaccination coverage. The proportion seronegative for diphtheria tended to increase with age such that 42% of individuals aged > 40 years were seronegative. Our study supports the recently introduced acellular pertussis vaccine booster at 6 years to reduce pertussis transmission in school-aged children and adolescents.
Notes: Lab Natl Sante, L-1011 Luxembourg, Luxembourg. CRP Sante, Luxembourg, Luxembourg. Limburgs Univ Ctr, Ctr Stat, Diepenbeek, Belgium.Mossong, J, Lab Natl Sante, POB 1102, L-1011 Luxembourg,
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ISSN: 0950-2688
e-ISSN: 1469-4409
DOI: 10.1017/S0950268805005662
ISI #: 000237786200018
Category: A1
Type: Journal Contribution
Validations: ecoom 2007
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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