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Title: Creating diverse-sensitive higher education through a CoP: A narrative multi-perspective review
Authors: EMMERS, Elke 
Pulinx, Reinhilde
Schrooten, Mieke
Issue Date: 2022
Source: EAPRIL 2022: From formal education to continuous learning, Nijmegen, 2022/11/23-25
Abstract: Symposium abstract In this symposium, we discuss higher education (HE) teachers' views on inclusion and their role in creating inclusive learning environments. Accessible (higher) education is getting more attention in international policy resulting in a more diverse student population. HE institutions must facilitate this diverse student population by creating inclusive learning environments. HE teachers play a key role in this process, but little is known about teachers' views on inclusion and actions they may or may not take. We present three studies shedding light on HE educators' experiences and understandings of inclusion and identifying practical approaches for HE-teachers to create more inclusive learning environments. The first study is a systematic literature review of HE teachers' views and approaches to inclusion, offering insights from previous studies for practice but showing a lack of research on HE teachers' definition of inclusion. The second study is a narrative multi-perspective review, mapping the most important themes in HE of the moment on which action should be taken. The final study conducted focus group interviews with HE-teachers and a survey at one college. Contributing to a sense of belonging for students was found to be particularly important. While a dialogue on views, curriculum, or pedagogy is lacking.
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Category: C2
Type: Conference Material
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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