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Title: A Dissection of Hyflex Education in Terms of Equal Opportunities in Education
Authors: SAENEN, Liesbet 
Van Heel, Martijn
Altes, Tisja Korthals
Issue Date: 2023
Publisher: IGI Global
Source: Advances in Educational Technologies and Instructional Design, IGI Global, p. 323 -340
Abstract: This chapter examines recent educational advances in light of equal educational opportunities. HyFlex's technology-based teaching was selected. Given the pandemic's impact on digital education, this form of education is nascent. Due to worldwide accessibility regulations and the COVID-19 pandemic, technology-based educational techniques are needed to diversify the student population and digitalize higher education. This chapter addresses the following question: Is the Hyflex model suitable for creating an inclusive and effective learning environment for underprivileged students? This new model's influence on educational equality has been extensively discussed. The HyFlex approach fits students' learning demands due to its flexibility, temporization, and highly organized online and offline learning environment; however, it is not the great equalizer it is portrayed as. HyFlex can improve higher education access for diverse students if the technology employed is UDL-based.
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ISBN: 9798369304532
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0453-2.ch016
Category: B2
Type: Book Section
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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