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Title: SPECS : a non-parameteric method to identify tissue-specific molecular features for unbalanced sample groups
Authors: Everaert, Celine
Volders, Pieter-Jan
Morlion, Annelien
THAS, Olivier 
Mestdagh, Pieter
Issue Date: 2019
Publisher: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory
Abstract: To understand biology and differences among various tissues or cell types, one typically searches for molecular features that display characteristic abundance patterns. Several specificity metrics have been introduced to identify tissue-specific molecular features, but these either require an equal number of replicates per tissue or they can't handle replicates at all. We describe a non-parametric specificity score that is compatible with unequal sample group sizes. To demonstrate its usefulness, the specificity score was calculated on all GTEx samples, detecting known and novel tissue-specific genes. A webtool was developed
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DOI: 10.1101/656397
Category: O
Type: Preprint
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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