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Title: Inclusive Research for Diverse Perspectives, Equity of Data and Ownership
Authors: EMMERS, Elke 
Issue Date: 2024
Source: International Conference on Research in Education, Porto, Portugal, 2024, July 17-19
Abstract: Background Information: In the field of educational sciences, research aims to generate results that can be applied to policy and practice (Creswell, 2012). Active involvement of citizens throughout the research data life cycle can enhance the generalizability of research outcomes (Ramcharan et al., 2004). This approach highlights the significance of connecting research with society, demonstrating a commitment to inclusivity by tackling pressing societal issues such as diversity, digitalization, inequality, and other related concerns. This contribution explores and emphasizes the crucial importance of research approaches that prioritize active participation and inclusivity. These approaches strive to connect educational research with educational practice. The objective of this study is to focus on "engaged scholarship," which highlights the importance of active collaboration among students, teachers, researchers, and the general public. This text highlights the importance of critical pedagogy and action research, as evidenced by the works of Cahnmann-Taylor & Siegesmund (2017) and Van der Vaart et al. (2018). This study showcases its methodology through a case study in higher education, with a particular focus on promoting engagement and inclusivity in research using photovoice. The case study highlights the methodological aspects of participatory research and the ethical complexities of conducting inclusive research. It explores topics such as data ownership, stigmatization, and the need to consider how individuals from different ethnic and socio-economic backgrounds may have varying perspectives on education. The paper also covers the duties and tasks associated with collaborative research. Considering the processing of personal data in this kind of research, it is crucial to take necessary measures to protect the privacy of participants throughout the entire research project. This can be achieved through the implementation of precautions like "privacy by design" or "data equity" (Gonzalez et al., 2022). We prioritize the promotion of inclusiveness and actively seek to involve a diverse range of perspectives. Research Results: A thorough examination through the "Photovoice" case study (Wang & Burris, 1997) underscores the efficacy of utilizing engaging and inclusive methodologies. By involving students as active participants in our research, we can enhance their perspectives and cultivate a sense of ownership and empowerment. We also prioritize and embrace diversity. The findings highlight the connection between ethical considerations, empowerment, collective ownership, and collaborative creation. This study highlights the significance of employing participatory and inclusive research methods to foster meaningful connections and interactions in educational research. Ultimately, this study contributes to our comprehension of the significant link between education and inclusive research, along with the methodologies employed in such research. The findings underscore the significance of adopting participatory and inclusive research methods for gathering data and translating it into educational practice. This approach promotes a powerful collaboration between education and research, resulting in long-lasting enhancements in the educational field. References: Cahnmann-Taylor, M., & Siegesmund, R. (2017). Arts-based research in education. Routledge. Creswell, J. W. (2012). Educational research: Planning, conducting, and evaluating quantitative and qualitative research. Pearson Education, Inc. Gonzalez, N., Alberty, E., Brockman, S., Nguyen, T., Johnson, M., Bond, S., O’Connell, K., Corriveau, A., Shoji, M., & Streeter, M. (2022). Education-to-Workforce Indicator Framework: Using Data to Promote Equity and Economic Security for All. Mathematica. Ramcharan, P., Grant, G., & Flynn, M. (2004). Emancipatory and participatory research: How far have we come. The international handbook of applied research in intellectual disabilities, 83-111. Van der Vaart, G., van Hoven, B., & Huigen, P. P. (2018). Creative and arts-based research methods in academic research. Lessons from a participatory research project in the Netherlands. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung/Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 19(2), 30.
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Category: C2
Type: Conference Material
Appears in Collections:Research publications

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