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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 741 to 760 of 33525
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)TypeCat.
2023Physiotherapy practices in acute and sub-acute stroke in a low resource country: A prospective observational study in BeninAMANZONWE, Renaud ; KOSSI, Oyene ; NOUKPO, Ines ; Adoukonou, T; HANSEN, Dominique ; Tedesco Triccas, Lisa; FEYS, Peter Journal ContributionA1
2023Retinal venular vessel diameters are smaller during ten days of bed restSalon, A; Çiftci, GM; Zubac, D; Simunic, B; Pisot, R; Narici, M; Fredriksen, PM; Nkeh-Chungag, BN; Sourij, H; Sery, O; Schmid-Zalaudek, K; Steuber, B; DE BOEVER, Patrick ; Goswami, NJournal ContributionA1
2024REPROT: Explaining the predictions of complex deep learning architectures for object detection through reducts of an imageBello, M; Nápoles, G; CONCEPCION PEREZ, Leonardo ; Bello, R; Mesejo, P; Cordón, OJournal ContributionA1
2023Tools or Tokenism? Participative Design Strategies in the International Laboratory for Architecture & Urban Design (1976-1978)COUCHEZ, Elke Journal ContributionA1
2023Connecting the multiple dimensions of global soil fungal diversityMikryukov, V; Dulya, O; Zizka, A; Bahram, M; Hagh-Doust, N; Anslan, S; Prylutskyi, O; Delgado-Baquerizo, M; Maestre, FT; Nilsson, H; Pärn, J; Öpik, M; Moora, M; Zobel, M; Espenberg, M; Mander, Ü; Khalid, AN; Corrales, A; Agan, A; Vasco-Palacios, AM; Saitta, A; Rinaldi, A; Verbeken, A; Sulistyo, B; Tamgnoue, B; Furneaux, B; Ritter, CD; Nyamukondiwa, C; Sharp, C; Marín, C; Gohar, D; Klavina, D; Sharmah, D; Dai, DQ; Nouhra, E; Biersma, EM; Rähn, E; Cameron, E; De Crop, E; Otsing, E; Davydov, E; Albornoz, F; Brearley, F; Buegger, F; Zahn, G; Bonito, G; Hiiesalu, I; Barrio, I; Heilmann-Clausen, J; Ankuda, J; Dolezal, J; Kupagme, J; Maciá-Vicente, J; Fovo, JD; Geml, J; Alatalo, J; Alvarez-Manjarrez, J; Poldmaa, K; Runnel, K; Adamson, K; Bråthen, KA; Pritsch, K; Issifou, KT; Armolaitis, K; Hyde, K; Newsham, KK; Panksep, K; Lateef, AA; Hansson, L; Lamit, L; Saba, M; Tuomi, M; Gryzenhout, M; Bauters, M; Piepenbring, M; Wijayawardene, NN; Yorou, N; Kurina, O; Mortimer, P; Meidl, P; Kohout, P; Puusepp, R; Drenkhan, R; Garibay-Orijel, R; Godoy, R; Alkahtani, S; Rahimlou, S; Dudov, S; Polme, S; Ghosh, S; Mundra, S; Ahmed, Talaat; Netherway, T; Henkel, T; Roslin, T; Nteziryayo, V; Fedosov, V; Onipchenko, V; Yasanthika, WAE; Lim, Y; Van Nuland, M; Antonelli, A; SOUDZILOVSKAIA, Nadia ; Koljalg, U; Abarenkov, K; Tedersoo, LJournal ContributionA1
2023Electron-Beam-Initiated Crosslinking of Methacrylated Alginate and Diacrylated Poly(ethylene glycol) HydrogelsMignon, A; Zimmer, J; Cisneros, CG; Kühnert, M; DERVEAUX, Elien ; Daikos, O; Scherzer, T; ADRIAENSENS, Peter ; Schulze, AJournal ContributionA1
2023Edoxaban and/or colchicine in outpatients with COVID-19: rationale and design of the CONVINCE trialLandi, A; Morici, N; VRANCKX, Pascal ; Frigoli, E; Bonacchini, L; Omazzi, B; Tresoldi, M; Camponovo, C; Moccetti, T; Valgimigli, MJournal ContributionA1
2023International R&D and MNCs' innovation performance: An integrated approachBelderbos, R; LETEN, Bart ; Suzuki, SJournal ContributionA1
2024Limited effects of crop foliar Si fertilization on a marginal soil under a future climate scenarioRINEAU, Francois ; Groh, J; CLAES, Julie ; GROSJEAN, Kristof ; Mench, M; MORENO DRUET, Maria ; Povilaitis, V; Pütz, T; Rutkowska, B; Schröder, P; SOUDZILOVSKAIA, Nadia ; SWINNEN, Xander ; Szulc, W; THIJS, Sofie ; Vandenborght, J; VANGRONSVELD, Jaco ; Vereecken, H; Verhaege, Kasper; Zydelis, R; Loit, EJournal ContributionA1
2024Verlaging van de bewijsstandaard (art. 8.6 BW): slechts een redmiddel, niet de normSCHOUTEDEN, Michelle Journal ContributionA1
2023Solution-Based Synthesis of Cathode Materials for Lithium Ion BatteriesHARDY, An ; DE SLOOVERE, Dries ; VAN BAEL, Marlies Journal ContributionM
2023Solidification of a Silica-Based Solid Composite Electrolyte for Lithium-Ion Batteries Induced By UV IrradiationDE SLOOVERE, Dries ; VOUNCKX, Ulrique ; VRANKEN, Thomas ; REEKMANS, Gunter ; ADRIAENSENS, Peter ; Vereecken, Philippe M.; VAN BAEL, Marlies ; HARDY, An Journal ContributionM
2024Qualitative study exploring the views of patients and healthcare providers on current rehabilitation practices after lumbar fusion surgeryThys, Tinne; BOGAERT, Liedewij ; Dankaerts, Wim; Depreitere, Bart; Van Wambeke, Peter; Brumangne, Simon; Bultheel, Michael; Vanden Abeele, Vero; Moke, Lieven; Spriet, Ann; Schelfaut, Sebastiaan; JANSSENS, Lotte ; Swinnen, Thijs WillemJournal ContributionA1
2024Cable bacteria as electronic biological materials: Towards use in biodegradable electronicsWOUTERS, Koen Theses and DissertationsT1
2023Role of Explainable AI on recommendation trust and adoptionNIZETTE, Florence ; Hammedi, Wafa; VAN RIEL, Allard ; Steils, NadiaConference MaterialC2
2024Why should I trust you ? The role of Explainable AI on AI-based recommendation systems trust and acceptanceNIZETTE, Florence ; Hammedi, Wafa; VAN RIEL, Allard ; Steils, NadiaConference MaterialC2
2023Experience Counts: Unveiling Patients' Willingness to Pay for Remote Monitoring and Patient Self-MeasurementGERITS, Marie-Lien ; BIELEN, Samantha ; LANSSENS, Dorien ; LUYTEN, Janis ; GYSELAERS, Wilfried Conference MaterialC2
2024Method to Study Potential-Induced Degradation of Perovskite Solar Cells and Modules in an Inert EnvironmentBREUGELMANS, Robbe ; LAMMAR, Stijn ; AGUIRRE, Aranzazu ; AERNOUTS, Tom ; VERMANG, Bart ; DAENEN, Michael Journal ContributionA1
2024A Holistic Model for Measuring Sustainable Performance Generated by Innovative Projects: The ESCO Energy Transition CaseSEGERS, Jean-Pierre ; FRANCO, Dirk ; Van Caillie, Didier; Gaile-Sarkane, Elina; Macke, JanainaBook SectionB2
2024Stilte, of prudentia in een geluidsdichte kamerIONESCU, Vlad Journal ContributionA2
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 741 to 760 of 33525